How was everyone's week this week? Mine has been different
because I have not been in Lawrence but interesting and different. We
got to meet a lot of the ward and it is cool to finally be able to
answer yes to " Elder Espinoza... (A lot of people cannot pronounce my
name up here which is weird because everyone on my mission so far has
been able to) can you speak Spanish?" It is great to finally be able
to say and now I feel weird especially during church where all the
meetings are in English instead of Spanish but it has been good so
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again which is great but both of my companions are Zone Leaders which
is really weird also one of the Zone Leaders is Elder Pemberton my
companion that I was with in Lawrence about 7 or 8 weeks ago. It has
been really cool to be able to teach with him again along with my new
companion Elder Shupe who is from Brigham City, Utah. Elder Shupe is
great and will be leaving the mission at the end of this transfer.
This week was a pretty great week and we have some awesome
investigators and the members here are really cool as well. The city
of Manchester is an interesting place win a lot more interesting
people than Lawrence but I guess I say that because I felt like I was
at home in Lawrence and this is a new place. Everyone told me that in
English areas most people don't stop and talk to you but I have found
so far people are pretty nice out here and are willing to give you a
couple seconds so that's good.
We had a Burrito Night this weekend as a ward activity on
Saturday and it was great! Our investigator named L whom we had a
lesson with her and her son J on Thursday night was there and she
brought a friend to the activity. She is already an awesome missionary
and she isn't even a member yet so that was really cool, and the
miracle that I saw this week. Unfortunately not much else to report
right now but there will be more this upcoming week.
I know hat this is the work of he Lord and that as I
continue in faith and being diligent He will help me to overcome my
weaknesses so that I can help others overcome there's. That is only
possible through the Atonement of our Savior Jesus Christ who lives
and I know that to be true. Have an awesome week everyone.
-Elder Espinoza
Sent from my iPad
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